Curiosity, Creativity, Exploration, Learning, and Fun!
Learn about the exciting science, arts, and technology based exhibits at our hands-on museum in Palestine, Texas.

Forces and Motion
Marble Run
Visitors can engineer a marble run from wooden pegs, slides, pipes, tubes, and other materials to test the effects of gravity.

Light and Color
Bubble Screen
Blow giant bubbles to make unique shapes as the soap film stretches. Observe multiple colors swirl and reflect on the soap film.

Earth and Beyond
Augmented Reality Sandbox
Experience 3D visualizations of changing topography in a sandbox where topographical maps are projected onto landforms created in the sand. Maps change as the sand is manipulated by your hands.

Structures and Patterns
Keva Building
Special wooden blocks give visitors opportunities to build a vast array of intriguing structures and patterns.

Circuit Workbench
Visitors immerse in an open-ended experience at a long workbench. Create and test different types of circuits and explore a variety of ways to make light, motion, sound, and other circuit-driven phenomena.

Geometric Shapes
Playing with Geometry
How many different geometric shapes can you create? Visitors engage with a variety of multi-colored polygonal tiles to create patterns.

Forces and Motion
Bernouli Blower
Small objects float above movable hoses that blow air. The weight’s placement changes the behavior of the objects in this exhibit, creating interesting movement.

Symmetry and Reflection
Anti-Gravity Mirror
Take off and fly in a mirror that makes half your body look whole.

Light and Color
Human Kaleidoscope
How does light reflect and refract? Visitors experiment with optics and the effects of mirrors, lenses, prisms, and colors.